ANIONIC PAM – A Solution to all sewage treatment related issues

Anionic Polyacrylamide (PAM) serves as a substance which when administered to aggravated soils as per dirtying mulches reduce disintegration and upgrade settling of suspended silt. Anionic PAM when used as a piece of cultivation involves high atomic weight polymers (12–15 grams for each mole) containing >150,000 Acrylamide monomer units. These long, direct, -vely charged atoms parity out the dirt surface, restraining re-suspension of residue, and flocculate those couple of particles that are re-suspended.



  1. Uncovered soils with even slope
  2. Uneven soil slants
  3. Rock surfacing before road evening
  4. Over seeded or as of late mulched territories
  5. Construction areas


  1. Compelling even on the littlest of particles like residue and dirt
  2. Averts riverine soil disintegrations
  3. Incredibly decreases dust when utilized
  4. Can likewise be utilized with soil mulches for extra security of the same
  5. Anionic PAMs needn’t bother with much support unless the silt stores are substantial


  1. Anionic Polyacrylamides are profoundly soil particular, and can’t be utilized for multipurpose
  2. PAM can’t be utilized with water
  3. Incapable when utilized as a part of immersed soils
  4. Not compelling on uneven soil surfaces
  5. It is very little viable if utilized on snow, sand, rock, and so forth.